Veterinary Dermatology Service, P.A. – Dr Helen Globus

Call us at (612) 928-8097


We have compiled a few Pet Owner Testimonials to share with our other customers showing just a few of the many success stories made possible by Dr. Helen Globus and her staff.

Thunder Holmbeck - Before Treatment

Thunder Holmbeck - After Treatment

Thunder Holmbeck - Before Treatment

Thunder Holmbeck - After Treatment

Thunder Holmbeck - Before Treatment

Thunder Holmbeck - After Treatment

One happy dog!

We got Thunder from the Humane Society when he was 4 months old. Within a few months, we began to see the start of allergies. This was the start of a four year process of horrible infections, open wounds and just a poor, unhappy dog. We started seeing Dr. Globus at the end of January 2018 and within 4 months we have seen a huge change. Thunder looks amazing and is so much happier. I never thought he could look this good! His fur has come back and his skin color has returned to pink from black. And no more stinky dog!
Sarah Holmbeck

Addie Atkins 11-11-16

Addie Atkins 12-9-16

Addie Atkins - One Happy Puppy!

Addie Atkins - Before and After

Lucy Olson 11-16-15 Before Treatment

Lucy Olson Abdomen 11-16-15 - Close Up

Lucy Olson 2-3-17

Lucy Olson 3-1-17

Lucy Olson - Happy Girl!

We love Dr. Globus! She has provided caring and compassionate care for our dog, Lucy. Her hard work paid off, Lucy is better!

Lucy's Mom

Lola Bender Before Treatment

Lola Bender - After

Dr Globus has been a Godsend for us. Our dog Lola was in a pitiful state with miserable itching and hair loss. With her loving care, Lola has been able to live comfortably with full hair regrowth. I don’t know what we could have done without the compassionate care we continue to receive whenever we visit their office. Lola loves Dr. Globus, and so do we.

Lola Benders Mom

Dr. Globus is uniquely qualified to help our dog. She is kind, highly detailed, and involved in our pet’s recovery. We would recommend her for any pet who has allergies, they need expert care, not just a medication to mask the symptoms.

Diane and Ray Klempp

Member of the American College of Veterinary Dermatology

We Get to Know You and Your Pet